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Noteworthy Projects, Assignments, and Papers.

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​This was an undergraduate thesis I wrote for an honors research project as a requirement of the Penn State Schreyer's Honors College.

​This paper was an undergraduate literature review on a controversial topic in nutrition.

​This paper was a graduate-level literature review on a topic relating to my research area.

​This is a blog where I regularly post about my experiences as a dietetic intern and about any hot topics in nutrition.

This assignment was to create an imaginary business and propose a business plan consisting of a financial analysis, position descriptions, employee handbook, and marketing plan.

This was an honors assignment where I interviewed an actual patient at a renal clinic. The extensive case study focuses on the diet, lifestyle, meal plan, and medications of the patient.

This was a presentation I gave to fellow dietetic interns about effectively using social media as a dietitian.

This assignment was created by a fellow dietetic intern and myself.  It is a guide for WVU employees to eat healthy during their lunch breaks.

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